Business For Sale! ... Please Scroll Down!
Welcome to to the All New Doctor Ben's Scale Consortium website! Scroll on down to see some Featured Products as well as How to Own Your Very Own Hobby Business!
Featured Products
(0)$54.89In Stock.
(0)$5.99Now Available!
(0)$1.00Add this item to your order or print it yourself!
(0)$7.39Brand New Doctor Ben’s Weathering Stain - 4-Ounce Re-Sealable Jar!
(0)$44,999.00NOTE: Scale Model Masterpieces Business is a Separate Offering!
Top Sellers
(0)$7.39In Stock.
New Releases
(0)$0.00Minimum $50 Purchase Required to Receive this Item!
(0)$4.29In Stock.
Thank you for your business! Please tell your friends; it’s our only advertising. Sincerely, Debbie & Richard Bendever
Want to Own a Hobby Business? We have recently decided to offer our two businesses (Doctor Ben's & Scale Model Masterpieces) For Sale and we are looking for a good home for each Business. Both are profitable, turn-key operations and may be worked part-time or full-time depending upon how much money you would like to make. Don't miss out, contact us now! CLICK HERE or Click on the Scale Model Masterpieces link in the above Header of this page. Debbie & Richard Bendever
Thank you for visiting our website store. We keep this space at a minimal size and use it for quick announcements such as Promotions, Travel Notices, etc. So, how do you like the new of our website? We have a lot going on with some exciting new things going on already here in 2019! The easiest way to hear about them is to sign up for our DEBENLLC Newsletter (below).
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